Yoshizen's Blog

Most beautiful Face 2018

The magazine, TC Candler announced the 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2018 which selected Thylane Blondeau as the top beauty.

And this is yet again Ai Shinozaki = she was listed in there 84th, the bottom of  4 other Japanese. 

(Something distinctive of the Japanese standard of “Beauty” or “Pretty” often reject the big-mouthed face like the western “Gorgeous” face. —– simply Japanese hate talkative = noisy person to be in their close proximity. = We wouldn’t deny their existence though, don’t come close to me = leave me alone, don’t disturb my peace.  In reality, there are lots of talkative active women presenter in the TV = no problem we can just switch off the TV) 

What peculiar the choice of Ai Shinozaki is —– she is not a typical Japanese beauty, far from it, she is rather indistinguishable = you may miss her in the cloud.   But that is the strongest point why she was chosen to be the top of most untold lover of Japanese men.   Thousands, millions of men are the Otaku, loving their 2D character (= the character in the printed comics) hate 3D real existence of women = hence stay alone, never get involved into the relation. 

For most of the western man’s concept, such mind-set couldn’t be understood = without the physical meanings, it would be no use to think about the relation.  But it seems, the love can be a purely an imaginal existence in some cases. 

Many years ago, when I went back Japan to see my mother, she told me that the mother of woman-A came to tell that A will going to get marry.     ? ? ? — A was one of my secondary school classmate.    Why her marriage was anything to do with me ?   To be other than a classmate, nothing else has been happened between us.   We’ve never been a close friend let alone any relationship.    Yet still, in her mind, one-day when I come back from England, then court her hand.  —– can anybody hold this belief for 25 years in a totally isolated mind = no attempt to make any communication, never came to see my mother asking my address and attempt to write a letter.  But just waited as an innocent maiden.  I’m not telling you a horror story, neither bragging or boast funny story.   It was just a simple fact happened many years ago.   So, I’m wondering that in her 70s, how woman-A is thinking her life?  And myself, if it was happened what kind of the life we could have together. But, the Karma kept me woman free and made me live as such.  This is what Karma mean, it is beyond of anybody’s choice.  We can not bend it. 

Like all other instinctive reactions, the love was created in the old cortex of the brain, Amygdala.   When certain visual signal (or other significant signal) hit the Amygdala   ! ! !   Oh, I love it (or him or her) = Love at the first sight.   And it was the instant seclusion of the Love hormone, serotonin, dopamine etc —– with those chemical effects filling all corner of the body = the body was immersed with love.  Finger was filled with tingling sensation, other parts was filled with hot blood etc etc.  Such reaction has the same pattern like when we saw a deadly snake, then our body would be filled with adrenaline and get hi-tension. —–

Funny things about the visual pattern which hit hard the Amygdala.  It seems that the pattern was pre-loaded, but it is hard to trace the origin.   (could be even DNA originated subconscious.) —–  Try to find such pattern,  I collected 50,000 photos of faces and sorting them —– I found the pattern which attract me though, I couldn’t find any relation among them, let alone its origin.   Even funnier was, such pattern creates the soft spot in the mind = it seems this soft spot is the all source of the trouble.   Such soft spot blinded our eyes and override the rational thinking.   (Simply, we often turn the blind eyes to the cause of trouble = then it will come back hard)   Life is hard = So, why not to have a dream on 2D beauty —– they wouldn’t betray you.   😀



Live on a fantasy = naughty talk !

This is a photo of a girl’s figure (The image has bee removed / disappeared) costed almost 2 million yen = about £14,000.  (You may see more photos in this link.  >>> http://onecall2ch.com/archives/8593286.html )  It seems, her name was Megumi Kato — though I have no idea whether she was a character in a comic story ?  Apparently the person who bought this figure (one of 10 people) was quite rich and having many more figures in his collection which were displayed in a special room !   The guy seemed to be  hooked by the love for the fantasy world. —– Was that anything wrong ? —– In fact, there has been many many stories of “A man fall in love with a doll” in the history.  Or, even with shoes, under wares etc etc = so-called fetishism.  A man can love anything, pretty deeply.  But sometime people call it “Obsession”.   Anyway there is no sane love .


You might say, this is a bit healthier choice as she is a real woman (girl ?) in flesh.  She, Ai Shinozaki is, probably the most adored idol in Japan.  If you Google her name, you may find the 10s of thousands of items in their list. = on top you may find a site having her nearly 5000 photos in their collection.   Obviously, she is not a world-class beauty, — you may even say plain, some even call her pig though, yet the boss of Japanese Woman’s Association ( somewhat that kind) complained that because of her, so many Japanese man has been trapped by her and kept away from “normal” marriage. 

It might be true. = Psychologically being in love with her, the one can feel somewhat the same kind of comfort and the excitement, without having all the awkward trouble and the cost of real life. — Delusion can have anything.   Why not and what’s wrong.    😀

Don’t you remember, when you were in early teens, you’ve fallen into love with somebody (often others say, “Why her ?”) the one, even never seen her reality, worse still even without knowing the name.  Unlike a girl seeing in a train, young man can download or print-out  Ai Shinozaki’s half-naked body.   As she got very strange and strong pull, on top of her big boob, she is the idol pretty enough to fall in love yet still having no mess of life with real woman.  If a man want to have a sex, it’s easily available anywhere = So, who need to get marry = hence now-a-day 1/3 of eligible Japanese men are not keen to get involved in relation, let alone get marry.   Cynical irony is, since the male and female population is about the same, effect of the attitude of the men affects the women.

When the effect of the baby boom started to bite on the 70s, the population difference of men and women forced-out million of women from having the relation = women were forced to live alone hence the needs of equal pay and all sorts of women’s right became the serious issue.   Since then, the Human-right, Protection of this and that etc getting further and further creating independent-minded women, sexually liberated women etc = to the man, it’s mean better not getting involved, better keep distance from them otherwise the worst could be sued and be claimed compensation.   The society was disintegrated, or even into anonymity.  

In principal, equal number of both sex and the monogamy system was to guaranty every member of the society to have an equal chance to have a mate and rise a family.  In order to reinforce this system, the availability of sex was strictly controlled (= only allowed between married couple) and the relation has to be “contracted under authority / even by the God” and hard to divorce. —– To establish this system, mankind spent thousand of years of trial and error while negotiating with “Human Nature” !    But, once the fragile balance was broken, only the chaos would come.   Not only the less and less marriage, the spread of SD especially syphilis among the young Japanese people are alarming rate.  And it push the birth rate even lower.

—– In different aspect, this chaos could be a remedy provided by the Dharma to curb the exploding world population.  😀


Great —– or Rubbish ?

Posted in Buddhism, Enlightenment, Fun to read :-D, Mind, Mushin, Paradox, Zen by yoshizen on July 10, 2010

One of my friend who is a Computer-Otaku read the latest three posts in my blog  (this blog  🙂   )

And questioned me  ” Obviously you are not try to sell anything by the spin,  though what actually

you are appealing ?     Try to expose flaw of Buddhism or How it is useless ? “.

———— ” Yes I know. You are absolutely right though, this is what the very Buddhism is.

I’m trying to show it “ ” Show what ? ”   ” Paradox in Buddhism “ ” Such as ? “

” All about Buddhism is in its state of Musin.

To be in absolute Mushin,  one can not have even a notion of Buddhism  or any expectation.

Expect its benefit or super natural power is nothing but the one’s greed and the arrogance.

Expect benefit such as I can change and find true Self and get Enlightenment is one’s thinking.

And see the Buddhism in such expectation  is nothing but a delusion.

All the benefit and the phenomena of the Buddhism would come beyond this,  never before.

So, it may come 10 years later or may never come “

” What a mean religion isn’t it ”   ” That’s why it was seen as an Enigma “ ” Rubbish “

———  ” Ha ha ha,  So, somewhere in the earliest post saying  Dog Shit “

” How many people ever reached Enlightenment ? ”   ” I guess, historically may be only handful “

” What ?  In whole Buddhism history ? ”    ” I think so,  may be less than 100 “

” Utterly Rubbish isn’t it ”   ” So, it’s a Dog Shit.  Ha ha ha   😀 “

” So that, it’s really Great, isn’t it “

” So,  you are selling  iPad  saying Don’t expect this one would work “ ” Thaaaat’s right. And

when people smashed it, it start working and show all the fancy things “

” That’s nice.  So, this is the Zen ? “ ” Thaaaaaat’s right ! “ ” How fascinating ”  😀