Yoshizen's Blog

Halina Lens

Hong Kong based Chinese Co. who made Halina camera, Hakin was an interesting company.   In fact, Halina itself was an utterly insignificant cheap camera still, they started to make the cameras as early as in the 1950s = started about the same time to many Japanese camera makers.  They all started to make cheap tin-toy cameras.  From there, the Japanese camera industry developed and evolved to the today’s Hi-tech industry. 

In contrast, Halina stayed almost the same position since.— or, they might just stick to the cheap products to sell in the poor country.  —– I would say they were serious people though, they only managed low-tech, or they never wanted more.  (It might be an old Chinese philosophy to know the position !)   (Still, they made TLR (ish) camera, Auto-exposure camera even 8 mm Cine = surprisingly many many cameras.)   It seemed, they try to survive against digital camera (unless the PC / Printer was handy no print to give to the friends ) still, phone camera killed them off.

Halina camera(1)-001

For me, it was yet another Toy camera lens still, yet another try.

Halina camera(2)-001

In most of the case, so-called Focus free was done by the smaller F-aperture’s Depth of Field.  So, instead to have focus free, I emphasized even stronger blurred image by removing the small F-aperture (iris) (= hole in a plastic = Photo left)  Then, the Lens alone was mounted in the center of a metal panel of the camera mount (photo middle) —– Then, on the camera (Sony A7R) (Photo right)

What the photo looks like with this lens was —–


(Those photos were from the Dorkbot gathering.)




(Not the best occasion to test the lens still, the lens could handle the very tricky lighting condition rather well ! —– Other than the big halation, the images were quite normal aren’t they.)
